8th International Workshop on Mining Actionable Insights from Social Networks
Special Edition on
Mental Health and Social Media
Accepted Papers
Accepted Papers
Michal Monselise and Christopher Yang. "I’m always in so much pain and no one will understand" - Detecting Patterns in Suicidal Ideation on Reddit
Amirhossein Nadiri and Frank Takes. A large-scale temporal analysis of user lifespan durability on the Reddit social media platform
Ou Stella Liang, Christopher Yang, Anne Glenney, Richard Pointer, Sharlene Irving, Barbara Schindler and David Bennett. Supporting People Receiving Substance Use Treatment During COVID-19 Through A Professional-Moderated Online Peer Support Group
Josephine Bierbaum, Melissa Lynn and Louis Yu. Utilizing Pattern Mining and Classification Algorithms to Identify Risk for Anxiety and Depression in the LGBTQ+ Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic